Five Easy Ways to Protect Your Ears

Do you recall those glares you would get on those days driving around with your friends, windows down, music blasting and not having a care in the world? Those were the days. However, you may now be having some “Shoulda, coulda, woulda” thoughts when thinking about how you probably should have turned down the volume to a safer level in regards to your hearing. Although you cannot go back in time, it is better late than never to be aware of and protecting your hearing. Not only will you do yourself good, you’ll also set a good example for younger generations. Here are some easy ways to protect one of the most important of the five senses, your hearing.

1. Protect Yourself!

Noise Induced hearing loss is 100% preventable if you take the correct precautions.
This includes taking measures such as:

  • Wearing hearing protection at loud events (ex. Earplugs)
  • Limit your time spent near loud noises
  • Turn down the volume
  • Walk away and leave a significant gap between you and the source of sound


2. Get Screened

Being proactive in your own health is an important step to preventing hearing loss.
Getting a baseline test is a great way to be able to track your hearing and treat any
impaired hearing you may potentially have. Taking steps to prevention is critical so that symptoms do not worsen.


3. Eat Right!

Foods rich in the vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folic Acid,
Magnesium and Omega-3 Fatty Acids all significantly aid in protecting the inner ear.
Some examples of foods that contain these small health gems are: broccoli, salmon,
potatoes, apricots, bananas, oranges and tuna.


4. Avoid Head Trauma

Believe it or not, injuries to the head can cause hearing loss if the inner or middle part
of the ear are impacted. Although the cochlea is housed in the skull and is typically fairly well protected, any trauma to the head does put it at risk.
How to Protect Yourself:

  • Wear a seatbelt in the car
  • Wear a helmet while riding a bicycle
  • Wear a helmet while engaging in contact sports


5. Exercise

Investigators suggest that those who engage in aerobic exercise on a regular basis are
less likely to suffer from hearing loss. Exercise allows the nerves in the body to be more productive and stimulated, including in the cochlea. So get up off your sofa and
exercise; remember, some is better than none!