Embracing the Power of Hearing Aids: Enhancing Cognitive Health with Confidence

Did you know that using hearing aids not only improves your ability to hear but also contributes to enhanced cognitive health? There is exciting research linking hearing aids to cognitive function and how they can positively transform your life. Get ready to embark on a journey of improved hearing, increased brain engagement, and a brighter future!


How Hearing Aids Affect Cognitive Health:

According to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University in 2011, hearing loss can significantly accelerate cognitive decline, affecting memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities. However, they did find that regular use of hearing aids was associated with improved cognitive function, including memory, attention, and processing speed. These findings emphasize the importance of seeking and utilizing hearing aids as part of a comprehensive approach to maintaining cognitive health. Using hearing aids can help mitigate cognitive decline in these specific ways:

1.      Enhanced Auditory Stimulation

Hearing aids restore the sounds you've been missing, stimulating your brain's auditory centers and maintaining their vitality. By amplifying and clarifying sounds, hearing aids provide consistent and accurate auditory input, enabling your brain to actively process information and engage in conversations effortlessly.

2.      Social Engagement and Mental Stimulation

Hearing loss often leads to social isolation, limiting interactions and reducing mental stimulation. Hearing aids help break this cycle by improving your ability to participate in conversations, social events, and activities. By staying engaged and mentally active, you can support your brain's health and prevent cognitive decline.

3.      Reduced Listening Effort

Struggling to hear can be mentally exhausting, as your brain works tirelessly to decipher sounds and fill in the gaps. Hearing aids alleviate this burden by improving speech clarity and reducing background noise, allowing you to focus more easily on conversations and tasks. With reduced listening effort, you can allocate mental resources to other cognitive processes, such as memory and comprehension.

4.      Brain Plasticity and Neurological Health

Research suggests that auditory deprivation resulting from untreated hearing loss can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain. However, wearing hearing aids can counteract these effects by promoting brain plasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt. By keeping your brain active through improved auditory input, you support its health and maintain cognitive abilities.

5.      Emotional Well-Being and Quality of Life

Hearing loss can have a profound impact on emotional well-being, contributing to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and even depression. By addressing hearing loss with the use of hearing aids, you regain confidence, improve communication, and strengthen personal relationships. This renewed emotional well-being and increased quality of life positively influence cognitive health.


Embrace the Journey!

If you're considering hearing aids, remember that it's a transformative journey toward better hearing and enhanced cognitive health. Here are some steps to embrace the journey:

1.      Seek Professional Guidance: Consult with expert audiologists who will conduct a comprehensive hearing assessment and recommend the most suitable hearing aids tailored to your specific needs.

2.      Embrace Technology: Explore the vast array of cutting-edge hearing aids available, equipped with features like noise reduction, Bluetooth connectivity, and personalized settings to optimize your listening experience.

3.      Patience and Adjustment: It may take some time for your brain to adjust to the newfound sounds and for you to become accustomed to wearing hearing aids. Be patient, and don't hesitate to reach out to your audiologist for support during the adjustment period.

4.      Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate your progress along the way, whether it's participating in conversations more confidently or enjoying music with newfound clarity. Each milestone is a testament to your commitment to better hearing and cognitive health.

The Connection Between Dementia and Hearing Loss

As we age, it's common to experience both hearing loss and cognitive decline over time. However, recent studies have shown a strong link between hearing loss and dementia. According to a 2017 report from the Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, up to a third of cases of dementia could be prevented by addressing lifestyle factors, including hearing loss.


Reasons For This Connection

One of the reasons for this connection is that hearing loss can lead to social isolation and loneliness, which are both risk factors for cognitive decline. When individuals have difficulty hearing, they may avoid social situations or feel left out of conversations, which can lead to a sense of isolation and disconnection from others.

Another reason for the connection is that hearing loss can cause changes in the brain that are similar to those seen in individuals with dementia. The brain's auditory centers rely on regular stimulation to stay healthy, and when individuals experience hearing loss, these centers may become less active, leading to changes in brain structure and function.

Seeking Hearing Loss Treatment to Improve Cognitive Health

Fortunately, there is good news! Seeking treatment for hearing loss can have a positive impact on those predisposed to dementia. By addressing hearing loss, individuals can reduce their risk of social isolation and improve their communication skills, both of which can help to maintain cognitive function.

Hearing loss treatment options include hearing aids, cochlear implants, and assistive listening devices. These devices work by amplifying sounds and making it easier for individuals to hear and participate in conversations. They can also improve the brain's auditory centers by providing regular stimulation.

It's important to note that seeking treatment for hearing loss is not a cure for dementia, but it can help to slow cognitive decline and improve quality of life. By addressing hearing loss, individuals can also improve their ability to communicate with loved ones, engage in social activities, and maintain independence.

Encouraging A Loved One to Seek Hearing Loss Treatment

If you've noticed that your loved one is experiencing hearing loss, it can be a sensitive topic to bring up. However, encouraging them to seek treatment can have a significant positive impact on their quality of life and reduce the possibility of dementia. To help you, we are providing some advice for how to talk to your loved one about hearing loss treatment.

1. Be Understanding and Empathetic

It's important to approach the conversation with your loved one in a compassionate and understanding manner. Hearing loss can be a frustrating and isolating experience, and it's important to recognize that your loved one may feel embarrassed or defensive about their condition. Instead of approaching the conversation from a place of judgment, try to empathize with your loved one and offer your support.

2. Start With A Conversation

When you first broach the topic of hearing loss, start with a conversation rather than an intervention. Let your loved one know that you've noticed they've been struggling to hear and that you're worried about the impact it might be having on their quality of life. Ask them how they're feeling and if they've noticed any changes in their hearing. Try to keep the conversation open-ended and non-judgmental.

3. Use Positive Language

When discussing hearing loss treatment options, it's important to use positive language that emphasizes the benefits of seeking treatment. Avoid language that suggests your loved one is "broken" or "defective." Instead, focus on the positive changes that hearing loss treatment can bring, such as improved communication, greater social engagement, and enhanced quality of life.

4. Educate Yourself And Your Loved One

Before you have the conversation, take some time to educate yourself and your loved one about hearing loss and treatment options. This will help you feel more confident and knowledgeable during the conversation and will also give your loved one a better understanding of what to expect from treatment. There are many resources available online, including articles, videos, and support groups, that can provide helpful information about hearing loss and treatment.

The connection between hearing loss and dementia is a complex issue, but seeking treatment for hearing loss can have a positive impact on cognitive health. By addressing hearing loss, individuals can reduce their risk of social isolation, improve their communication skills, and maintain independence. In addition, you can help your loved ones take the necessary steps to improve both their hearing abilities and in turn, their cognitive health.

Start Your New Year with Better Hearing!

Did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions that people experience today? Nearly 1 in 6 people have some degree of impaired hearing, impacting over 48 million people. The New Year is a great invitation to practice healthy habits that protect your hearing health and wellness!


Schedule an appointment for a hearing test. Though hearing loss is pervasive, it is widely undertreated. It is estimated that only a third of people who could benefit from treatment actually receive it. To be proactive about your hearing health, it is important to have your hearing evaluated yearly. Hearing tests involve a painless and noninvasive process that measures hearing capacities in both ears. This identifies any hearing loss as well as the degree of impairment you could be experiencing. If you don’t have hearing loss, getting your hearing evaluated establishes a baseline of your hearing health. This makes it easier to track any changes you may experience over time.


Maximize use of your hearing aids. Hearing aids are the most common way hearing loss is treated. These electronic devices are essential items for millions of people with hearing loss. Hearing aids are designed to absorb, amplify, and process speech as well as sound. This provides the ears and brain with ample support, alleviating symptoms and maximizing one’s hearing capacity. This offers numerous benefits including strengthening communication and relationships as well as helping people stay socially connected.

Today’s hearing aids are more innovative than ever before. There is a wide range of options with differing styles, technologies, and features. These features are designed to deliver exceptional sound quality, increase connectivity, and create the most optimal hearing experiences in everyday environments. It is important to talk to your hearing healthcare provider about the features and accessories you can use to maximize the use of your hearing aids.


Reduce loud noise exposure. One time or consistent exposure to loud noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. So practicing ways to reduce your exposure to excessive noise is a helpful strategy that can protect your hearing health. There are numerous ways you can do this including:

-          Wear hearing protection: items like headphones, earmuffs, and earplugs provide a protective barrier that reduces the amount of loud noise you absorb.

-          Lower volume settings: electronic devices can reach hazardous noise levels. Be sure to lower volume settings on your phone, TV, speaker etc.

-          Take listening breaks: taking 5-10 minutes listening breaks throughout the day where you are not exposed to noise provides the ears and brain with time to rest and recuperate from constantly absorbing and processing sound.

 A few other strategies include to invest in noise cancellation technology if you use headphones regularly and avoid environments with loud background settings and opt for quieter settings.


Eat healthier. Eating healthily also supports hearing health. A major study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that people following healthy dietary patterns were 30% less likely to experience hearing loss. These dietary patterns were rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and fish. Additionally, they were low in processed foods and sugars. Integrating more vegetables and fruits into your diet and reducing processed foods is a great way to contribute to healthier hearing.


Increase physical activity. Exercise offers numerous benefits including boosting energy, supporting your immune system, reducing stress, and decreasing health risks. Exercise also supports hearing health by promoting blood flow throughout the body including in the inner ear. This is where sound is processed and then sent to the brain. There are simple ways you can increase physical activity including: taking a daily walk, stretching, engaging in a physical activity like swimming or golfing etc.


Avoid triggers. Extensive research shows that smoking and drinking contributes to an increased risk of hearing loss. Experts suggest that nicotine and alcohol can affect blood vessels which restricts blood flow. This can impact how soundwaves are processed and absorbed. Reducing or eliminating these behaviors can reduce your risk of impaired hearing.


The New Year is a great time to start practicing healthy habits. Protecting your hearing health contributes to wellness and quality of life. Contact us at Hart Hearing and Balance today to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation. We look forward to seeing you in this new year!

Understanding Over the Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids

If you think you may have hearing loss, you are not alone! In just the United States, it is estimated that 48 million people have some degree of hearing loss.


While hearing loss has not been considered as seriously in the past, today we understand that untreated hearing loss has been linked to significant rifts in personal relationships, leading to chronic depression, anxiety, lack of mobility, and cognitive decline. Research continues to isolate hearing aids as an effective way to address hearing loss and avoid or decrease these risks, however, of those who could benefit from using them, only 1 in 5 people who would benefit from a hearing aid use one. 

You, like millions of Americans, may have known you’ve had hearing issues for years but you may have put off treatment due to the high cost associated with them. As one solution, Congress passed the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017 to authorize over-the-counter hearing aids for adults with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. It’s been a long journey since then, but August has been a big month for the hearing-impaired community. 

As of August 16, 2022, the FDA announced their long-awaited OTC hearing aid guidance now makes it possible for hearing aids to be sold directly to consumers in stores as well as online without a medical exam or a fitting by an audiologist. Let’s explore what this means for you and your access to hearing healthcare.

What are OTC Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are used to amplify sounds you would otherwise not be able to hear. Worn in or around the ear canal they can be programmed by an audiologist to amplify the specific sounds you struggle with based on a hearing exam, to simulate normal hearing. Access to over-the-counter hearing aids is intended to help adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. 

Like a prescription hearing aid, OTC hearing aids will generally amplify sound based on your perceived idea of your hearing loss allowing you to hear better, communicate, and participate fully in daily activities with a better understanding of conversation and environment. This legislation was introduced to increase competition in the hearing aid market and ultimately make them more affordable.

Where do I get an OTC hearing aid?

The good news is that anyone who knows how to search the internet is only a few clicks away from OTC hearing aids. There are already several manufacturers selling them and once the new legislation takes full effect in October 2022, we may start seeing them more and more. Get ready to find them in pharmacies, stores, and doctors' offices. However, as with anything new, it’s wise to plan for issues ahead of time. 

Are OTC Hearing Aids Right for Me?

This new legislation will make hearing aids more accessible for more people and help in a significant way to combat world hearing loss- a number which the World Health Organization (WHO) expects could more than double from 466 million to 900 million in the next 30 years if systematic change is not implemented now. OTC hearing aids are intended for adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. 

It is important to remember that OTC hearing aids are not intended for children (who often require a pediatric hearing specialist) or for adults who have more severe hearing loss or significant difficulty hearing. If you have trouble hearing conversations even in quiet settings or miss loud sounds like cars honking when you drive or announcements in public buildings, this notes severe hearing loss, too extreme for OTC hearing aids to address.

For the most nuanced amplification, it’s important to visit us at Hart Hearing and Balance. Early treatment is essential as avoiding communication issues that occur in the early stages of hearing loss can help avoid dangerous side effects such as chronic depression, rifts in relationships, loss of standing at work, and cognitive decline.

Visit Us at Hart Hearing and Balance for Your Hearing Needs

We believe that there is still quite a lot to gain from a full-service hearing care provider. Not only can we offer you the most precise idea of what sounds you need to amplify, but we can help you not only enjoy conversation, and advise you about a variety of assistive listening devices and features. This can make a big difference based on your lifestyle. 

Whether you like the great outdoors, playing music, spending time in crowded spaces, or just love to watch movies and TV with clarity, having hearing devices properly fitted and programmed to your specific hearing needs can only be done with accuracy by an audiologist. 

Contact us today to schedule a hearing exam and help us find the best hearing solution for you and your lifestyle!

Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Hearing Aids

Summer is here, and that means it’s time to get out and enjoy the weather! Whether we’re soaking up the sun, riding the waves, or wading in the pool, there’s no question that the summer does our bodies good! At the same time, what’s good for our bodies isn’t always good for our hearing aids. Keep these tips in mind, and you can make sure to enjoy your summer fun while keeping your hearing aids in good working order.


Know Your Hearing Aids: Water-Resistant, or Waterproof?

Most hearing aids today are water-resistant to some degree, but that doesn’t mean you should wear them while you swim laps or go water skiing! Water-resistance means that your hearing aids can handle the occasional splash or even momentary submersion. It doesn’t mean that they’re designed to keep working underwater.

Check the IP rating on your hearing aids. A rating lower than IP67 means that they should never be exposed to water, while IP67 or higher means they can handle periodic, minimal exposure. If your hearing aids are exposed to more water than usual, it’s a good idea to take them in for a professional cleaning afterward. Moisture can accumulate inside that may not cause a problem immediately, but could mean big trouble down the road.

Consider Waterproof Hearing Aids

While most hearing aids are not waterproof, there are a few examples—notably Phonak’s Audéo Life—that are designed to withstand actual submersion (1.64 feet, in the case of Audéo Life). It is still not a good idea to intentionally expose even waterproof hearing aids to water on a regular basis, but it can give you peace of mind to know that your hearing aids won’t be destroyed by occasional submersion. You may wish to acquire waterproof hearing aids if:

●     You perspire heavily. Sweat poses as much of a problem to hearing aids as water from other sources. If you notice yourself wiping a lot of sweat from your face or forehead, your hearing aids are likely exposed to a lot of moisture.

●     You live in a humid environment. If the humidity in your area is high during the summer months (or year-round), it may be worth getting a set of hearing aids that can handle it more easily. Humidity can especially pose a problem when you move from an air-conditioned environment into the outdoors, where the temperature imbalance will result in condensation forming on your hearing aids.

●     You enjoy aquatic hobbies. Boating and fishing can lead to splashing and spraying that may reach your hearing aids, and you’re more likely to absentmindedly touch your hearing aids with wet hands.

●     You are sometimes forgetful. Many wearers accidentally wear their hearing aids into the shower, which can mean the end for certain types of hearing aids!

Keep Your Hearing Aids Clean and Dry

This is great advice all through the year, but regular maintenance can be essential during the summertime. A routine that involves caring properly for your hearing aids will help you get the most out of your investment!

●     Each night before bedtime, wipe your hearing aids with a clean, dry cloth. This will help clear them of moisture, debris, and skin oil.

●     If your hearing aids use disposable batteries, leave the battery compartments open through the night. This will allow any moisture that has accumulated throughout the day to evaporate more readily.

●     Consider a hearing aid dehumidifier. Placing your hearing aids in one of these at night will help remove all moisture before you put them in again in the morning. If you use rechargeable hearing aids, most manufacturers offer a dehumidifying charger as an add-on.

Get Your Hearing Aids Professionally Cleaned

Periodic professional cleaning should be a part of everyone’s hearing aid maintenance routine. Professional cleaning involves the complete removal of all moisture from the device, as well as a thorough cleaning, inside and out. This helps your hearing aids to perform their best and can significantly extend their lifespan!

If you or a loved one is having new hearing issues or may need new hearing aids, make an appointment for a hearing test today and take charge of your hearing health!

Connecting People: May Is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

Since 1972, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has been recognizing May as Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM). The goal is to spread awareness of communication disorders—such as hearing loss—in as many corners of the country as possible.


Name Under Consideration

This May might be the last year that BHSM is celebrated… Not because the work of creating public awareness of hearing and speech disorders has been thoroughly accomplished, but because ASHA is reviewing the name “Better Hearing and Speech Month!”


BHSM has gone by this name since 1972, making this the 50-year anniversary of the name, and ASHA has decided to consider changing it. To what?—No one knows!


If you have a suggestion for a new name—or if you want to encourage them to keep the current name—send an email to pr@asha.org.

Connecting People

The theme of BHSM this year is “Connecting People,” and we can’t think of a better theme for 2022! With isolation related to the COVID-19 pandemic finally starting to ease, we can all use a little encouragement to reconnect.


ASHA is focusing on the “breadth of services provided by audiologists and speech-language pathologists—with weekly themes tied to the settings where the public may access services.”


For each week, the settings are as follows:


●       Week 1: Schools

●       Week 2: Inpatient Settings

●       Week 3: Outpatient Settings

●       Week 4: Home (SLP) and Workplace (AUD)


Recognizing where we can take advantage of hearing- and speech-related services is an important part of getting the knowledge and resources we need to protect our hearing or treat our hearing-/speech-related disorders.

Safe Listening For Life

ASHA is promoting awareness of safe listening at all ages and across all life stages. The goal is to promote greater awareness of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), which is completely preventable but currently incurable.


NIHL was on the decline for a while but is making a comeback. While about 10% of Millennials have measurable NIHL, about 17% of Gen-Z’ers have it. This trend is especially alarming, considering that Gen-Z is the younger of the two generations. We might take note here that it doesn’t take long for NIHL to set in!

Staying Safe with Sound

Environmental sound levels at or below 70 dBA (decibels A-weighted) are safe to experience indefinitely. For reference, 60–70 dBA is about the volume level of a normal conversation. Sound that is louder than 80 dBA (adults) or 75 dBA (children) can cause hearing loss after about 8 continuous hours. As the sound gets louder, the safe time of exposure is reduced. At about 100 dBA, only 15 minutes of exposure can cause permanent hearing loss in adults. 100 dBA is about the average sound level at a high school dance.


Many of us have jobs that expose us to loud sound, where we (hopefully) wear hearing protection. But loud sound happens outside the workplace just as well. We may even have hobbies or pastimes that involve exposure to dangerous sound levels, where hearing protection remains just as important as at the workplace.

How to Protect Hearing For Life

Remember these tips and follow them, and they will set you up to retain your hearing ability for the long haul!


●     Wear Hearing Protection: Whether it be earmuffs, OTC earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, or custom earplugs provided by a hearing care professional, it is always important to protect your ears whenever you are at a loud event. Even most movie theaters expose us to dangerous sound levels, so it’s a good idea to carry a pair of comfortable earplugs with you at all times.

●     Download an SPL (Sound Pressure Level) App: There are free apps for smartphones that will give you a reading of the environmental noise in any given situation. This can help guide whether you need to protect your hearing or not.

●     Keep a Distance: Try to stay at least 500 feet away from loud sound sources.

●     Purchase Quieter Products: Quieter window air conditioners, electric leaf blowers, and other products are available in a “quiet” option.

●     Keep the Volume at Half or Lower: With personal listening devices (PLDs) and headphones or earbuds, volume levels above half are generally dangerous.

●     Take Listening Breaks: Every hour or so, find some peace and quiet to reset your aural equilibrium.

●     Heed Warnings: If you start to hear ringing in your ears, have pain in your ears, or feel uncomfortable with the level of sound you’re experiencing, leave the area!


Have a great Better Hearing and Speech Month! Remember, if you want to acquire custom hearing protection, hearing aids, or if you’re just due for a hearing test, make an appointment today and use BHSM to take charge of your hearing health!

Treating Hearing Loss Can Strengthen Your Relationships

Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems affecting Americans today. About 12.7% of the population has at least mild hearing loss in both ears—defined as 25 dBHL (decibels hearing level) or more of loss at speech frequencies.


Hearing loss becomes even more common in age groups above 60. About a third of those aged 65–74 have hearing loss, and about half of those above 75 have it. Nearly 100% of centenarians have hearing loss, suggesting we will all experience it eventually, if we live long enough!

While protecting our hearing around loud sounds—above 85 dBA (decibels A-weighted)—is important, it’s not the whole picture of hearing loss. Even those who fastidiously protect their hearing and avoid loud sounds can and do experience hearing loss as they age.

The most important thing, once hearing loss becomes an issue, is to treat it with hearing aids. Hearing loss cuts off our brain’s access to important environmental information and can set off a cascade of negative outcomes for our health and well-being.

Not least among these is the effect that hearing loss can have on our relationships. While it may seem obvious, it’s hard to overstate just how deeply hearing loss can affect the way we relate to one another.

Hearing Loss Reduces Connection

Of course, hearing loss makes it more difficult to hear what others are saying. Especially in groups, speech can turn into a jumble of indistinguishable human-ish sounds. Trying to parse what is being said is exhausting and nigh on impossible. Our brains go into overdrive, trying to put together sentences out of broken bits of understood speech and context clues. The process can be maddening and quickly lead to fatigue.

With normal hearing—or hearing aided by hearing aids—speech is understood automatically in our brain’s auditory cortex. This effortless hearing lets us focus on those around us more easily, engaging our brain in the process of connecting with others. This is crucial to our emotional well-being in friendships, partnerships, and social gatherings.

Even mild hearing loss undercuts our connections with others because our brain is overly involved in trying to understand what they’re saying, rather than how to interact. We only have so much bandwidth, and our relationships are better served by using that bandwidth to focus on the conversation, rather than the nuts-and-bolts of each sentence.

Hearing Loss Strains Intimate Relationships

Over and over, you’ll hear about marriages and partnerships that have been strained by hearing loss. The interdependence involved in a healthy, intimate relationship can be drastically reduced when hearing loss comes into play. All too often, we think of hearing loss as only affecting the person who has it, but being close to a person with hearing loss becomes quite difficult.

Partners of those with hearing loss report feeling like an “interpreter.” They lament that restaurants and other destinations are chosen not for the quality of the experience they might offer, but for the absence of background sound. They notice that the richness and ease of communication that once flowed between them and their partner have been reduced to “yes” or “no” questions, and only the most necessary of topics.

Hearing Aids Can Help

Studies have found that a good set of hearing aids can go a long way toward restoring or maintaining the intimacy that is needed in a healthy partnership. While hearing aids may not sound the same as a “normal” pair of ears, they are very good at increasing the ability to comprehend speech.

This improvement will not only be felt in your closest relationships, but everywhere you go! Friendships can strengthen, pleasantries can be exchanged, and small talk can be effortless. Small talk sometimes gets a bad rap, but it’s the first step to more meaningful interactions, and the micro-connections we make with other people as we move through our day help us to feel safer, better, and happier overall.

Hearing loss is a normal part of aging for many people. While untreated hearing loss can have dramatic and damaging effects on our relationships, mental well-being, and even our physical health, it doesn’t have to be that way. A good set of hearing aids can help us to stay connected with friends, family, and partners, and to live our lives almost as though hearing loss were not an issue at all.

If you or a loved one is living with untreated hearing loss, take the best step you can take and make an appointment for a hearing test today!

Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year!

The New Year is a great time to set and prioritize health goals! Hearing health is integral to overall health and wellness but did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common conditions people experience today? Nearly 1 in 6 people have some degree of impaired hearing which affects an estimated 48 million people. This chronic medical condition not only strains hearing but also communication which takes a toll on all aspects of life: relationships, work, social interaction, and health. Intervening early and addressing hearing loss can be transformational by offering countless benefits that enhance the quality of daily life!


Symptoms & Impact of Untreated Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a permanent health condition that is characterized by reduced capacity to detect and process sound. This creates a range of symptoms that makes it difficult to hear and navigate communication. Common symptoms include:

-          Tinnitus: commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears” is a ringing, buzzing, or clicking like noise that is heard in one or both ears.

-          Increasing the volume on electronic devices (TV, phone, speaker, etc.)

-          Asking others to repeat something they said or speak louder

-          Words sound slurred or muffled

-          Difficulty making out individual words, lip-reading to help identify words

-          Missing parts of a conversation

-          Experiencing a hard time hearing in environments with background noise

These symptoms can be mild to more severe depending on the degree of hearing loss present in each ear. Conversations become difficult to engage in and miscommunication can be frequent. Strained communication can lead to people taking a step back from social interaction altogether.

 Social withdrawal is a common effect of untreated hearing loss which results in spending less time with family, friends, engaging in hobbies, etc. Untreated hearing loss can also strain relationships as it chips away at communication - a crucial ingredient for sustaining health connections with others. Strained communication, social withdrawal, and tense relationships can also take a toll on mental health, contributing to isolation and depression. 

Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss

Addressing hearing loss eases symptoms, alleviating the cumulative toll it takes on daily life. Fortunately, there are effective treatment options that offer life-changing benefits. Major benefits include the following:

1.      Strengthens communication. The most common treatment for hearing loss is hearing aids. These are savvy electronic devices that are designed to absorb, amplify, and process sound. This provides significant support, making it easier to hear and understand sound. Hearing aids alleviate symptoms that maximize hearing capacity. People are better able to participate and navigate conversations, facilitating effective communication.

2.      Supports an active social life. Being able to hear and readily engage with others with ease also enriches social life. Hearing aids support hearing in all types of environments, including social settings and spaces with background noise. People can fully participate in social activities, spend time with others, and carry conversations with ease and more energy.

3.      Improves relationships. Communication is key for cultivating and sustaining relationships. Hearing aids create a greater capacity for hearing and communication by providing ample support. Strengthened communication makes it possible for people to spend quality time together as well as share the intimacy of conversations. Being able to hear jokes, have an engaging conversation, hear and readily respond to others are important ways of connecting.

4.      Enhances overall health. Treating hearing loss reduces the risk of developing other health conditions that are connected to impaired hearing. This includes cognitive decline, depression, and experiencing accidental injuries (from falling). Additionally, hearing aids strengthen cognitive capacities, enhancing brain health. The benefits of treating hearing loss also boost a sense of independence, confidence, and happiness which improves mental health.

Take Steps to Address Hearing Loss Today!

Treating hearing loss involves a simple process that starts by having your hearing assessed by a hearing healthcare specialist. Hearing tests involve a painless process that measures your hearing capacity in both ears. Once your hearing needs are established, your provider can recommend treatment options that meet those needs and transform your hearing health. Start the new year by prioritizing your hearing health. You can do this today by calling us at Hart Hearing and Balance Centers to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation!